Saturday, August 13, 2011

A story of a birthday boy

As the clock strikes 12, the sister came into the kitchen to find the eldest brother is making himself a cup of tea. “Where’s the birthday boy? Already asleep?”, the sister asked. Dumbfounded, the eldest brother replied with “Huh? Who? ” before it hits him. “OH! Is it? HAHAHA! OI! WAKE UP!!!”, the eldest brother hollered while running towards the birthday boy’s room, waking up some neighbours in the process.

Chuckling, the sister follows his eldest brother to the room, and watches his brothers’ pillow fight with a huge grin on her face. “Happy birthday,” she said. The birthday boy smiles back to his sister. “I’m sorry I don’t have any presents for you,” she added. The birthday boy still smiling, shrugging his shoulders while trying to be free from his eldest brother grip. He succeeded, and ran to his mother’s room with a joking remark of “I’m not eating tomorrow, as a celebratory event!” which the mother replied with a loud “Do whatever you want.”

Next morning, the birthday boy acts differently. Is he sulking? I didn’t hear any wish from Mother, maybe that’s the reason why?, the sister thought. She approached the birthday boy, feeding him a small amount of breakfast to his mouth. Then the eldest brother checks up on the birthday boy, bringing a cup of tea along. The birthday boy then goes to school, a small smile tugging on his lips while his shoulders were down, as if he is carrying the burden of the world himself.

Coming home from school, the eldest brother asked the birthday boy to have a duel on a RPG game. Wide smile, the birthday gladly accept the challenge, and play all evening till it’s time for dinner. The sister was cooking, the birthday boy still gaming, the eldest brother went out to buy some ingredients. When the mother gets back from work, the sister was expecting a small cake or anything worth to be called as ‘presents’ as she feels that the birthday boy was still upset with the mother. But no, there’s nothing at all.

After dinner, the birthday boy who usually on the eldest brother laptop browsing the net, went into the sister’s room. They have a light conversation, pulling jokes at one another before the birthday boy falls asleep on the sister’s bed. Staring at his face, the sister feels sad to see such a dull birthday the birthday boy had. No presents, no cake, no feast. Just wishes. The sister doubts whether their mother even remembers the birthday boy’s birthday. No, I don’t think she forgets it. It’s not like she had given birth to a dozen of children, the sister thought.

And maybe, just maybe....I would experience the same birthday as his.

p/s: random update as ‘someone’ was busy nagging at me saying I have not updated my blog =..=” how do you like some angst?


  1. aderle~ so? ape komen ko? ^^ xkan owhhh je kowt

  2. Sometimes who are we to judge another's thoughts. True the mother was cold but I can definitely see her warmth here and there. Birthdays come and go every year but can ones blood relationship come and go? I don't think so. I'm certain there is a lot going on in the mother's mind and sadly we don't have telepathy to communicate and read her mind.

  3. yeah, I agree. this story is more towards 'there's more than meets the eyes' rather than 'what you see is what you get'. the elder brother and the sister is inclined to the saying 'action speaks louder than words', the birthday boy is more of a kind that needs verbal assurances.

    messed up story by a messed up girl. thanks for reading ^^ (seriously nothing more to say)
